Public test of the new map Haemar!

Thanks for giving comments about it that might help to improve it.

All the informations are given here :

I wish it will become a new "official match" map, I'm ready to make many changes on it, just need people to test it and tell me what they think in that forum.
Cööl Störy Brö
Cool story bro of you don't care about seing the ET community moving with new maps, new mods etc, but it's not the case of everyone, so please at least respect 6 months of working on a project like this, thank you.
Don't miss there is an ENGLISH translation just AFTER the french message.
"Shit map" deleted message from I dunno who :

=> Useful comment that is going to make it better, thank you, :).
Upload you map to somewhere else.. like a FTP..
Don't have a nice one yet, but will upload it to MU / RS & etc. tomorrow.
i can upload this and its future versions to my ftp, just pm
You obviously ripped of lots of stuff from goldrush which makes the map instantly look like a clone or something... especially due the building-style, the sky, the lights... sure, lots of people like goldrush, but i think if they want to play a map in this style, theyre going to play the real goldrush map... are some points i noticed:

[-] Repairing the truck to end the map is quite useless
[-] Theres almost no interior in the rooms at all
[-] Lots of wrong textures on the doors and gates
[-] Lots of caulk textures visible while being in spec. Fix those or atleast add some clips all over the map so the spec doesnt see them at all.
[-] Missing cp-icon on commandmap (makes the cp hard to find)
[-] Flag is re-captureable at every time (It should become a fix 2nd spawn as soon as allies build the cp)
[-] Remove the -= =- from the mapname. This looks noobish :/

There are also some other textures that give you the feeling like 'Hey texture, shouldnt you be on radar?', so they kinda dont fit the overall style of the map, but well...

I could list some other small things and details that came to my mind while running through the map, but the points above are the biggest ones i noticed so far...

Btw... heres a rapidshare mirror without the 10-downloads-only restriction...

And another one:
map looks boring and bold from visual site, add more details. and make it brighter :F

keep working gl
is there any public server running this map?

Could try it better out like that
screenshots or test server plx
Nice map, tested on 6vs6 and it was rly fun :-)
are you lost?
where? Rdy to defend myself
OKEY, maybe I commented it into wrng place, just maybe
I did not like it.
Shit fps particullary for this map.
Idea is pretty good, in general.
Need to be worked once again.
It's like we have to play on a "short" part of the map the rest seems useless.
Most of people I know hold 125fps everywhere -except- the first allies sandy descent, I will still work on it thought.
good project keep it up =)
looks nice, keep it up!
1) Repairing the truck to end the map is quite useless
2) Theres almost no interior in the rooms at all
3) Lots of wrong textures on the doors and gates
4) Lots of caulk textures visible while being in spec. Fix those or atleast add some clips all over the map so the spec doesnt see them at all.
5) Missing cp-icon on commandmap (makes the cp hard to find)
6) Flag is re-captureable at every time (It should become a fix 2nd spawn as soon as allies build the cp)
7) Remove the -= =- from the mapname. This looks noobish :/

1) No, it gives you the flag forever.
2) What do you mean?
3) Should fix this, but maybe it's caused by your pk3s.
4) I will clip the top of the map, this won't be a problem anymore.
5) Will take a look at it.
6) See 1)
7) ok, :p
1) No, it gives you the flag forever.
Eh...well... better link it to the cp. Repairing a truck that doesnt even move 1 meter still is useless :p

2) What do you mean?
The rooms are almost empty. No tables, no chairs, no closets, no pictures on the walls etc.

3) Should fix this, but maybe it's caused by your pk3s.
Its a clean install, so nope. Screens:!dump/2009-09-30-000754-Haemar_a10.jpg!dump/2009-09-30-000814-Haemar_a10.jpg!dump/2009-09-30-000831-Haemar_a10.jpg

Metal-doors simply dont fit to the overall-style of the map. Better use 1 type of wooden door only and maybe some wooden barricades for the main gates.

4) I will clip the top of the map, this won't be a problem anymore.
But make sure there is still enough space for the spec to fly around the map and keep others watching.
"The rooms are almost empty. No tables, no chairs, no closets, no pictures on the walls etc."

=> This is "detail work" that I will do only later when the "gameplay" will "fixed", but don't worry I will do that, I'm sure it will take me 2 days big max.
Yeah okay, but this 'detail work' is already an important part of the whole gameplay, e.g. boxes or closets in a room offer you additional places to camp or crouch behind, which can be a pretty important thing while being on defense...
True but I would have to redo it again if I move any building/make new ones, etc.
That's why I want it to be the last thing.
Need more screenshots.
Thanks, it looks nice.
well i don't believe you
i am not interested in your lies boy
i was born blind, mute and deaf. do not make fun of the handicap.
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