we need 1

yepp here we are again..
Benelux #exile-et is looking for 1 s k i l l e d Field Ops
After our last recruitment post, we did recruit a very nice player but now our beloved Belgium hiver has quit playing ET competitively.. (too bad he was one hell of a fops =/) so we need one to replace him.

So here are the requirements :

- dutch speaking
- 16+
- play Field Ops / Soldier
- good awareness
- good teamplay
- exellent comms
- at least med+ . Please I know nowadays the whole community consider themselves as med+ but think twice before pm'ing us


Netherlands luckah
Netherlands end0
Netherlands tr1ck
Belgium Spectre
Belgium kip
Belgium GraPe


Belgium hiver

If you think you're a good fops pm luckah; #exile-et @ qnet (duhh)
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