eNCOR3 Back on the Block

After i took a long pause maybe some1 recognized, that im back @ ET.
Here some Facts. I finished my school @ July and im Unemployed now till studien beginns next year, i engage for a "ZivilDienststelle" but i dont want 2 work :<, I moved 2 another City >.> i dont know that many people over here in Freiburg, my girlfriend moved yesterday back 2 Hamburg after her 2 weeks visit.
Now i got a bit more time 4 playin ET or watchin Porn.

and heres the Point: I`m lookin 4 a nice Clan

About me:
- #3on3.et
- Hulk Skilled
- 20 years old but im talkin Bullshit as often as possible :* ask Eriic Flamma or CarToon, they'll agree :D
- i like music
- Clanhistoy @ my profile
- I live in Germany
- I can Talk German and English
- Im Avi 20/21 till open End
- Im Avi almost everyday Except Wednesday(Cuz i got Basketball Train) and @ Friday and Saturday Evenings.
- maybe i forgot something Important, but u can ask me here @ CF
- Im not afraid 2 create with some nice guys a new team
- I can get server Vent
- Correkt me if im wrong but i think, my mate Saliery - sLy is lookin 4 clan aswell, would be motherfuckin great when we play 2gether.
- Class Engi,Medic,Fop,and Covi when i fixed my Class cfg :X

What i Expect from you:
- Play Hard go Pro
- no Ultra High Voiced guys.
- Be a bit skilled
- no Failing @ Obj :p
- Be funny
- Be Non Real Life, so i can play 3o3 when ever i want d:
- No Cheaters


Sorry 4 my english faults and thnx 4 all Feedback :D
u can reach me here @ CF per pm
i logged out 10 minutes ago, when i wanted 2 Add Topic, cuz i needed 2 long :SSS
hf with the porn n gl
Check PM ;)
ENCORE!!!!! gl and much <3 :-*
jaauuu danke :D
was eigtl mit dir?
dich hab'ich ja schon lange nich mehr gesehen :'(((
er klaut inet von seinem nachbarn, der schlawiner :)
moar text
C00L nAm3 mAaan
ich wohn auch in freiburg : D
aus welcher gegend kommst du??
naja wohn 17km davon weg bin aber jeden tag da weil ich da arbeite, wohne in waldkirch
let me be the first to say:

GL ENCORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gl nice and skilled guy <3
hay add mich mal in x-fire:nuddelauflauf
Good luck mate! <3
encoreeeeeeee my hmoieeeeeeeee!
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