last try now :( #2

sup gays \o/

i'm looking for a 6on6 team to play some funwars and some offis.

about me
- 20years old
- german kraut
- low+ / med---
- have brain
- <3 to fail
- never cheated
- talking shit 24/7
- random noname
- know maps
- objective player
- ninja
- funny guy
- dont take shit serious
- anti-wnb

Quote<awake> cool kraut, i <3 him...always welcome to play with me, even when he's failing alot
<chAnce> funny guy, can play serious and you can laugh your ass of on ts with him. sometimes failing but kinda almost fun to play with
<guru{K3mikal}> fine player, funny and like to play with him often!
<Scirro> mase is a gay but i still like him cuz hey is very stupid and he always makes us laugh
<guru{blind}> great guy, active on comms, obj oriented player
<guru{praskOo}> he oftenly gets drunk, complains that his head hurts, but he still wants to play, and fails in absolutely incredible ways. he also fails when he isnt drunk, but hes a nice guy!
<macT3p> ya nice guy, often failing but its fun to play with him
<Severus> low+?? ahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaha
<guru{Chux}> mase it the most nigga playah out there!
always fun to do a war with him
<zombi> gl mase,nice player,always makes us laugh :D take him
<Preacheri> nice player and funny as hell!<3
<Gungy> gl, seems a nice guy when we play against him :D
<roachi> awesome player and awesome person, always fun to play with and always ready for some gay action!
<tzck> every team needs a failer and mase has mastered the science of failing like no other player hes learned to do it in an amazingly extraordinary way... add to it unexpectedly high pitched voice no aim and a bit of nigga flavour and you got mase - the perfect player... so be fast and take him before hes gone
<hayes> gl, great guy :) He plays tp and obj, I love him <3 :) ( It was fun to play with him when I was cless :p ), but there is a probleme, It's a german gay :p
<guru{2accurate}> mase is one crackbitch nigger ninja ready to fail for the sake of hillarious moments ! luv him a lot <3 and he hates me coz I never play :D

looking for
- random team with nice guys
- no kiddies
- no wnb med/+
- fun ofc
- no 2 week clans
- stable team

pls don't be polaks or some kiddies that take the hole et-shit 2 serious!

pm me here or @ #\o/

take me or i have to play COD4 :/

Quote by MAXIIIIOwont be the last

Quote by rockstArrit's never the last try..

Quote by VoiddSomewhat humorous post, good luck I suppose - although this won't be your last try... It never is.

maybe this is my last try now :D dunno yet...

image: original
take him. now
2nd GL mase

edit: fu Praskoo, i supposed to be 1st.
Take that ninjah, punks !!!
take him or die in fire
give this guy a chance, you won't regret it
hell yeah! this shit again!!!!
mhm he has gamesrv+ts what you waiting

mhm...but we use his ts so if you start there is no enaugh places for dont take him ffs

<3 mase gl you nigga

edit: fu prasko
funny guy with some mysterious good moments
cool story bro
take him, mase is a barrel of laughs, enjoyed every single war we played
meh gotz a team :D rolld with them @ OC
Quote take me or i have to play COD4 :/

Omg no no !!
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