Test of the new map Haemar.

Hi everyone, some of you might remember a older post asking for the same thing but the fact is that almost nobody gave me any comment about it, and I then need to ask it again :

I need teams (of any skill) to test my map in developement at the only cost of a few constructive comments (mainly on the gameplay).
I would just like that any interested team learn the map at one time, and then only PM me on irc (on crossfire, clanbase.et, et.mapping...) to spec, I got servers if needed.
And I'm also looking for *high* teams, I'm still unsuccessful about it.

You can download and learn more about it here : http://dyalhenauss.forumactif.net/haemar-f6/haemar-telechargement-download-t21.htm


You can watch screenshots here : http://dyalhenauss.forumactif.net/haemar-f6/haemar-screenshots-t25.htm
And you can post interesting comments here : http://dyalhenauss.forumactif.net/haemar-f6/haemar-tribune-free-flood-place-t26.htm

I'm actually in a state of my work where I really NEED tests to make the right gameplay decisions, before working on the "finalisation" of the map, and won't be able to improve it well if only a few play it.

PS : "shitty map" comments are NOT WELCOME, remember this is a FREE gift of SIX MONTHS of work for the community, thank you for your understanding and your indulgence.

PPS : ET is NOT dead.
Looks like goldrush & oasis into one! Nice :)
that looks like supply
With batterylike constructions.
and b4 lights
and karsiah-like streets
It looks like Goldrush&supply fuck Oasis
Haven't actually played it but looks a_lot like goldrush.

good luck in testing though.
says master at creating shit maps xDDD
wtf are you talking about idiot.
im fuckin with ya man xDDD
Looks a bit too dark!

But overall it looks nice. Good job!
Can't see anything at some screenshots because of the darkness ;/

Good luck :}
Well, it's true that it's long enough to create a map, if I even need to rebuild en entirely new architecture of my buildings, with new textures etc., I would be finishing this in like 2015, :D.

Thought, you have to know that I remade 100% of the brushes, even the quite famous goldrush tower...
La map me semble bonne mais je te dirais de peut-être pas mettre trop de "tours" comme le premier screenshot.
Looks promising, great job

a bit dark though
pm flechaa @ #anticlimax.et

edit, looks sexy
Looks nice, bit dark, maybe set it in daytime
Looks good, gj ;)
dunno , but i like it!!
my constructive criticism: give it a less GAY name
he said less gay
speaking of gay names, isnt your nick a pokemon?
too dark abit , but looks nice =) gl
maul retard
retard? sagt mir son abgefucker russe.... spast
Fällt dir nichts besseres ein als Nationalitäten zu beleidigen, pure Dummheit, du bekommst bestimmt viel aufs Maul.
ahm ich beleidige so wie ich das meine und nein im gegenteil :D ich verteile gerne :)
Is it too dark everywhere or does just more environmental light sources like streetlights/fires need to be added to some areas?

I think its looking good, but could do with a little more junk in corners or uneven ground just so it looks more organic and less 1999 counterstrike map. The trick would be to put these little touches in places that are visible but don't get in the way of gameplay - noone wants to get stuck on barrels and get fragged, or get jumping state spread from going over a bump fast and missing a headshot.
i was telling the same some time ago ;] +1
I DEMAND SHOWMATCH! And well done fella looks impressive :)d
with ur shoutcasting?:o
Sure thing!
It's not Haemar, it's Haimar. As in Spain Haimar Zubeldia.
im sure he'll get on changing that right away
For his sake, I hope you're right.
#e2 up for testing it !
Haemar, better looks Homer_b1
people already called it gay..
The map is awesome :o
it gives a oasis/goldrush look :)
*Oasis good old times*
Nice map !!! :O
very nice maps idd, put it in instead of delivery in every cup/league and ladder, and keep it dark as it is atm, ppl just adujust ur gamma.
You are aware that you can basicly plant landmines EVERYWERE? And something i noticed @ the map = that the dynamite for axis is placed a bit wrong for the Allied Assault ramp.

and what is the CP for actually? I cant find an extra spawn point if i fix it as allies or axis.

Thats it after 3 min =D

Edit: imo just way toooooooooo many camp spots available :x
cp gives faster recharge ... plus only 5 mines per team so...
still there are 2 ways to the documents, 1 rly small and 1 well not sp small but not big, if u plant all ur mines there, there will be no way in...
covert ops!
I like but why you ask that?
ET is not dead, apparently your server is
Looks nice :)
Btw nice map make server where we can play this map :)
dont like starting spawnpoints
too dark
looks big?
nowadays every et map seems to be too big :D
I haven't even watch those screenshots or play it

So I didn't know that
someone has a server where ppl can try that map?
checked the screenies
streets look empty, put in some decorative camp barrels plants etc
It won't, :).
Re, I'll add the detail work (plants etc.) only later when I will have finished the gameplay part otherwise I might need to do it again if I move buildings, etc.
But I'll do it for sure!

And as I said, I have servers if needed, just pm me on irc when I'm on!

I keep in mind everything said and there is no CP spawn yet, dunno about that.
2 many camp positions
nice hide and seek map tbh...
looks nice :)
Looks beautiful. Really nice for movie making =D
pretty much amazing ! just a bit dark
it's like Oasis, grush and karsiah in 1 :) looks cool ;)
too dark, looks like gold rush+oasis...shitty map, will fail in 1-2 weeks
Looks rly , fine , create a cup!
looks nice
dark map is dark
give testserver ip here!!!!!!!
Nah if you want to test it on a server, PM me on irc.
when will be a test match anything planned?
I'm actually trying to get opponents for the European Elite team, dunno if there will be any ettv or not, but I would like people to look at the map and play in 3o3/4o4/5o5/6o6 and they can contact me if they need adversaries, etc.
Wanna submit a new building architecture with new textures?
nice : O
It looks decent, though I haven't played. As mentioned before, maybe try to make it a bit brighter, add some scenery stuff to make the streets less empty and maybe see if you can make the streets in such a way you can't plant mines everywhere.
Also, I would think that 1 other way to the last objective might be usefull?
About the light, next compilation will be a bit slighty lighter, wonder how much will it be for the beta release...

Thought you just need to add an autoexec_haemar_a10.cfg file with an higher r_gamma than usual and add an autoexec_default with your normal gamma value.

About the mines, it's quite complicated to change it, I'll see later what I can do.
About the plants etc. as I say I'll do that later too.
About the bank, why not, good idea, :).
Well I believe that the original Grush also had normal sand roads, but near the last axis spawn you couldn't plant mines into...you could also just make brick roads!

Anyway, gj and gl with the process/map!
Yes but gr mappers didn't do the terrain manually as I did, which make textures fades more complicated for me, but as I said, I'll try to find a solution.
Well, atleast props for the effort and work put into this community map.
Also, I removed some of the uber negative comments as you requested in the main topic :)
It's still in development, only flamers aren't welcome.
On the contrary players disliking the map but giving constructive and interesting comments are welcome, :).
Looks pretty good, although I haven't really looked what the objectives are.

You should really higher the _ambient and _minlight in worldspawn -> goldrush (which is also a nightmap) for example has a _minlight value of 15 where your map has 8.. ;)
I agree, but the map has some promise.
rgamma 3, map looks fine. Its probably because I like darker looking maps.
I use r_gamma 3 and it's still a bit too dark for me, but why not change such a simple thing which might annoy a hell a lot of players and I guess he'd like the map to be played in comp.. :p
2 dark, didnt test.
nice, but since it is on the night there will be alot of cfg abusing :-p
Get bright screens.
P.S. looks like shit
that big ass castle looks sweeeeet
Tested it and it's rly awesome. It reminds me goldrush, looks a large map but when you play it it's rly fast. You can do it in like 5 minutes. Give it a chance and test it. You can't judge a map on screenies =)

Good luck dyal <3
looks good, gl

edit: Is it possible to post a screenshot of the complete map from above? Because now it's difficult to see what/which objective is first, can't see the different stages, how many ways are there to get to the obj, etc...
Here you got one without objectives, but the best way to learn the objectives stays the limbo menu!

where can we find u on irc? :o
Only the Mustang has improved imo -.-
you mean design, right? :)
just tried it and got to say it is better then any current maps. Just a few things to sort but awsome!
If you gonna play another showmatch and you need an uber high skilled merc im avi! :D
Haha, well we hope to find a few teams who know the map first :D
I'm afraid I can't help you with that :d
looks promising.
really look forward to play it.
looks nice :D
'when gr meets oasis'.. is there any test servers ?
What the hell at that kind of map name?

E: Screw the map name, the map actually looks pretty fucking nice, good job.
lets play it during our ultra cool gangsta like pracs
looks nice!
looks great, eventhough i dont play et anymore .P
it not only looks nice. Its really nice to play. Indeed, the showmatch havnt given that much impression about. But if teams are more used to play it there will be a lot of entertaining matches further on the map!
did he say that there will be another show match?
cuz the other team didnt train or at least knew the map objectives :<
i guess there will be some small changes in the map construct. But if its done i think there will be more showmatches, where the teams can build tax and so on! Can't promise so far, but im looking forward to it
looks nice
First impression it looks like Grush, Karsiah and supply combined - But I guess I need to try it.
Besides that it's seems like great work, and I actually like that you made a more "dark" map. :)
looks nice :) great job
Well we already played on it, Its nice map for a team with fine teamwork :D
Contact me if you want, I could host a 1-day 6o6 cup for it:)
I certainly will when there will be the beta release, thanks and good idea, ;).
u guys r gettin like meez with this dark shit :p
it's not too dark, in my opinion :)

keep the good job up, cant fault it ;)
need testserver !
need testserver !
PM irc, ;).

@ Quakenet :

#clanbase.et, #crossfire, #et.mapping, #wolfarea, #tag.et, #nextgen-leveldesign, #et-merc.fr, #@tbbe.et
need testserver ! eLemenT'MapTest Haemar_a10

here you can test the map. wwwDl is on.
looks good :>
Looks good keep up the work :) Any mappers care to enter my Halloween mapping contest for W:ET? :<
the map is too dark ^^
i've played it looks rlly nice although we could make it a bit less dark
Looks very promising.

Could you change the overall lighting of the map to say, oasis/supply style instead of that grim braundorf-kinda darkness?
r_gamma is ur friend
its very nice :))))))) not too dark or somehting it creates a feeling if its like oasis it reminds me of karsiah so its fine like that imo.
I said :
"About the light, next compilation will be a bit slightly lighter, however, I still wonder how much will it be for the beta release..."
maybe replace the city flag after blowin up the door controls. that the allies have autospawn in the city after getting acces to the docus. it can be hard if axis recap the flag at the last stage.cuz its a long way from first allies spawn to the obi.
Completely agree.
The truck is here for fixing the flag, :p.

Thought, it might change, but I need testers to know that!
looks nice
looks nice much more better then missle !
played it is one of the best new maps i saw !
/q eitseb or /join nocturnal_ for all 1st stage rifleshots
>>>/q eitseb or /join nocturnal_ for all 1st stage rifleshots<<<
this actually remind WW II which is normal, not like the delivery or bremen etc. this is best map tbh, besides oasis and goldrush

this should be offical map instead of delivery,bremen,adlernest!!!!
very nice map.
You should 've made this a few years ago.
need people like that to keep ET alive, thx dude! keep on workin' on it :)
I like the lighting in this map. Keep it dark and cosy as it is!
Thank you for the effort, I havent tried it but I hope the community will give it a shot because we need new maps which isn't blatantly shit spam/luck/random like delivery where anyone can beat everyone.
nice map
nice map for trickjumping
Yes it is, being a trickjumper myself, :).
looks pretty nice so far, very straight forward (like supply) and good feeling (like oasis).

first i was like: uh, easy to defend (due to that walls on which the axis can stand and give crossfire), but i guess it well end like supply a lil bit, with teamplay and timing it should be no prob.

The only thing i would change is the distance between the truck and the door controls, its imo to close. One bad defence spawn (at the truck) from the axis (with maybe some fulls on the axis side) and you will loose the door controls + maybe the obj too fast. Or am i wrong? :>
No more 15 minute fullholds. From what I've played it is a good map just as it is now apart from the levitating roofs and other fps-eating stuff.
nice map, but im having bad fps :s and i always have over 9000;/
Shit map :D. jk. nice work!
great job, persévère !
Good map but there are too much camper positions.
Show me a map that hasn't.
I wrote TOO MUCH. I didn't mean in other maps aren't camperpositions but in this map are a plenty of it.
Isn't every corner a camp position?
But in other maps it is billable.
Is is what?
it is is, retard
How did I become a retard?
Quote by YouBut in other maps is is billable.
And you didn't ask my question.-> Explain "billable" for me.
The word? If you refer to your books you will figure it out.
Why you have to be such a negative asshole? Don't get angry if someone is discussing with you.
I'm sorry for my behavior. Had a bad day. The point was that I though that there are some corners and angles which were inexplicable (redundant) to me.
NIce!!!! i like it! great work
looks good
just played it, very nice! GJ dyal! <3
Testing when i get home! :)
Developer still alive?
No I'm not, :p

Trying to organize a showmatch with famous teams atm.
Good, your map has promise. Any new updates for the map under work?
None yet, but when there will be one, you'll be aware of it.
Looks nice man, gj Dyal
If when you fix the lighting and or any other issue, could you message me so i can test it on an online server.
Quote from Dyal 3 posts above :

"When there will be [a new map update], you'll be aware of it."
a bit dark (screenshots) and lowfps?

The developement of Haemar is PAUSED until I receive more -gameplay- comments, I almost received none since this message has been posted and as I said, I can't make any good change without it.

The work will restart as soon as I will get some and whatever what happens, I'm going to finish this, but YOU, yes YOU can help me finish it as great as possible by testing it and send me your feedback, that's all.

Btw, I'm trying to make live a showmatch with 2 famous teams AND a little Haemar cup is being organised (there should be a few interesting prices at the only cost of a few -gameplay comments-).

PS : I thanks again the few ones who already helped me with this, :D.
Quotesenethro on 12/10/09, 15:19:22

Is it too dark everywhere or does just more environmental light sources like streetlights/fires need to be added to some areas?

I think its looking good, but could do with a little more junk in corners or uneven ground just so it looks more organic and less 1999 counterstrike map. The trick would be to put these little touches in places that are visible but don't get in the way of gameplay - noone wants to get stuck on barrels and get fragged, or get jumping state spread from going over a bump fast and missing a headshot.
testmatches !!!
testservers !!!
get guys to play this map because no one will find someone on irc, etc. who is willing to play this map

make a cup or sth like that

and betas are ofcourse requierd
its good :) go go mappol cb
Too dark, too low fps.
fps might be still improved and light will be slightly brighter...
and rly work on the tunnel i get 10 fps at allied start :<
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