OC question


1. u play oc
2. u loose
3. u check enemys guids (after game)
4. u find an opponent whos guid isnt entered on cb-page
5. opponent tells u thats because of cb´s mail-probs
6. u find the guid on yawn with 3 "red !"-entrys but the violation is someting u cannot understand
7. u dont care cause u lost without recognizing anything special
8. 3 days later u find a thread on gtv.org, again nothin 100% clear, but u start thinking again...

ur consequences would be? is it worth to waste energy in that? cb doesnt care anyway...
cb doesnt care, why bother. they might actually ban the guy some day (and the day after he is back) but it wont affect on ur OC match cuz none of the admins will try to work that one out so fast.
cool lets all play with nexus then
erm? woot? insider joke?
CB doesn't care and doesn't ban people, so you can pretty much hack without consequences.
nexus-bot is detected couple of times. but there are several non-bustable hax outside. i am also convinced that there guys who r clever enough to hax in a way that they´ll never be busted
Sure, but there are also people clearly hacking who don't get busted/banned.
an old prob - whats "clearly"? is your clearly the same as mine and as cb´s? still no standards...
If someone fires at a pillar with someone behind it, without being able to know that person is there; it's pretty obvious ( hi@uniX ). Still, CB doesn't do anything with it.
Next time check before the match -_-'
CB is like belgian police, care and lots of boring
only belgian police @ zhe LAN sucks, friend of my lost his PC for 2 months for investigation xD he had to pay smth around 600 euro for his 1 TB illigal music/software/vids/etc
flaming cb because of your own stupidity is cool though!
nothin to do with stupidity, i still dont care cause imo it was a fair game and the better team won...
then why the forum thread?
why dont you check before the match then?
fair enough :P
Stop your whine..
you just sucks tbh?
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