eitseB seeking again..

Hi, I'm seeking again for a clan after gameface@zeroE failed.

About me:

I am/have -
* - able to improve myself fast (skill around: med- atm. can handle med^ also)
* - lanable
* - experience
* - no uberflamer
* - 16 years old
* - medic reviver/dmg'er, fop supplier,engi builder
* - pretty active atleast 2-4 days a week for around 3 hours
* - participlate in any leaque

I expect:

* no 2week projects
* at least a med- team
* no flamers, nerdragers & self-overraters (mature guys)
* a lanable team (not essential but would be nice)
* GermanyGerman-speaking, EnglandEnglish is also possible

love & kisses from eitseBBestie
the clan was already dead when u joined in.
What do you mean?
well after they put us in 3rd division,team lost motivation,some players left.it was just a matter of time untill we stopped playing.
gl :)
Yea you're right mate, thanks for the gl btw :).
gl berliner ;) ich weiß wer du bisz ;)
nimm mich mal in xfire an x3
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