Rtcw2, good / bad?

I been away from rtcw/et scene for a long while. I really never even tried Rtcw2(or what u call it). How is the game? Anyone mind telling the layout of a match, how it works etc. How "big" is it? Many clans playing it?

What ive heard from a friend thats knows another friends is that its so bad they uninstalled it right away :).

Well I just wanted to hear what you had to say before I buy the game and test it.

Very bad, big disappointment.
in 1 word: sucks
I can surely say it's shit, ever more people are playing QuakeWars still than it, just come back to ET civ :)!
absolute fail !
can't talk about rtcw and _that_game_ on the same day. The singleplayer was playable but multi is utter crap
sp is ok but mp sux :( ppl waited too much new ET with better graphics so ofc it failed ;(
don't buy, seriously
rtcw2 doesn't exist.
absolute fail !
its absolutely awesome!

wanna buy my copy : D ?
i c wut u did tharr
Well, 1st thansk for all the answers, and 2nd I think ill skip to buy the game ;)

So its still ET thats the game to play... Sad thing is that I never really liked it compaired to how much I liked rtcw.

Ill think ill stay with wow and quakelive :)
quakelive is the perfect temporary replacement :O)
what realm @ wow?
same here, shame rtcw died
stfu u cod nerd
hehehehhee :):):):):):))))))))))))))

i want to play et but no-one wants :((((((:(:(:(:(

me wants :)))

people still play rtcw, gonna host a cup soonish and im positive we will have 8+ teams. Not serious competition of course but still great fun to play. You can team up with KiH maybe? :)
what channel?
cupchannel is yet to come - for rtcw games #rtcw.wars
come irc plx
spela HoN ist :O)
make the helvete javla kih boys spelar rtcw again plZ :(
good sp, bad mp
bad to the bone
dont waste your money its terrible :D
du gillade ju inte et för att du sög civvan!
hehe, mkt möjligt. La aldrig ner den tid som behövs för att bli _bra_ i ett spel.
for once i need to agree with someone from sweden(slajdan) the sp is awesome but the mp sucks so bad :/ it was such a waste of money
what I've heard sp sucks aswell, with all the ninjas in the city or such.
single player is playable
its not rtcw
download it to play sp,
dont buy a key to play online or you will hate this games
its a big fail. enjoyed the mp a lil bit but there wasnt enough active players/clans to call it a serious game.
great game someone want buy my German Version ?
buy it, you wont play any other game ever again!
there is a single player demo out or not? just test it and find ur own decission but it it's waste of money if u will buy it because there are enough guys who will sell it for 10-20€ xD
Quotesingle player demo

i wouldn't buy a game, cause of the single player mode tbh
maybe he would do, but i don't prefer to do :P
the single player is amazing but all single players are easily downloadable.
but there he can test if he likes it ....
your friend was right
what the fuck is RTCW2?!
i only now "wolfenstein" and it really sux.
yust go back to rtcw =)
still same as always RtCW > ET > rest :(

WoW was good for some time but it lost its "WOOOOW"-effect with Wotlk... BC was crap for itemwipe but rest was nice but Wotlk is just lolcasuallowshit only :x
Hey civ

Good to see you again, the recent Wolfenstein was a big failure it has maybe 50 people playing at any given time. Play Quakelive instead!
Dunno :D

Rtcw 2 hasnt been made yet!
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