savage at LAN wtf?!

ye its tr00.. he is searching for a skilled team to attend SHGopen if u sponsor him..

contact savage´ @ #disposable
yepp !

edit: 1:st ! :)
more fakepost pls, he just do this so u dont think he cheats, e wont go with sponsors anyway
lol CARE?
idd his voice is like a girl
it was more girly earlier:> its more mature now, but still loads of whine...

to much whine:>
All swedes sound like a girl imo
I told u STINA must be a girl! :P
gl @ lan
<savage`> chaosz (alexL me)
<savage`> jag ska inte på lanet
<savage`> men folk kanske inte tror jag fuskar längre
<chaosz> kanske vem vet :P

savage said that he just do this so people dont think he cheat, he wotn go anyway
please post the rest of the log =)

I'll go if I get sponsor, I can assure you that :)
Being at a LAN doesn't mean shit.
gL sAVAJE!<3
think all swedes should be banned from making journal/forum threads imo ;D
who would want to sponsor you?
you, idiot?
nice joke
Compared to you?

its true that my aim is not 100% Equal to aimbot.
So how can he suck then?
Well I assume that in your cheat society you give most value to the guy who dares to use highest aimfov and brightest brightskins along with wallhack. In this case I'm bottom scum when I dont use anykind of cheats? you got me there.
Show me the proofs! And I don't think I'm "in" their society!
Cheat society? Emh, just because I know alot of "hackers" it doesn't mean "I'm in the society so provide me with the fuckn most leet hacks ever." ffs grow up. :/
gl savage!! :)
Just like you wanted to come to the xfire lan?
It would've cost me a fortune to travel to NL for a LAN so naah I aint so much into ET that I wanna spend all my money just to proof myself clean.

It would just have been a nice thing trying to get some players, I would certainly go to Denmark but..I need to concider the expenses and stuff like that. I just can't waste 300€ for a LAN...if I am not sure that I still have money to things I like =)
Have you seen certain people play at xfire LAN? Sure, they could've been playing bad because they were nervous, but I sincerely doubt it.
cZar players, for example.
do it like butchji pls, pwning the inet and sucking hard @ qcon :D
did butchji suck hard? news to me.
nooo he was ownage with 30 acc and 10 hs per map vs low---- usa noobs who dont even move when they get shot xD whoooohoo
savage pwning inet? lold.
compare qcon stats with his old inet stats
true!1 8 ]
ofcourse u don't play as good on a lan as when you play at home.. maybe ur nervous,not enough room,to much noise,not your own computers when it's not byoc,even a bad chair makes me play like crap....
savage is highskilled XD
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