Windows XP (performance).

My laptop malfunctioned recently and I need a copy of XP to put onto it. Usually I go with Tiny XP, however even with the added driver pack it does not seem to include my sata driver which causes me to bluescreen during installation.

Basically does anyone have any edition of XP with performance similar to that of Tiny Xp with added SATA Drivers. My Laptop is an Asus N50VC.


image: roll
just , LoL :pPpPP
perfo mance


That joke was killer man!

or should I say a Killer boy! ha!!! hilarious
dota > hon
nice pic :)
1-7 with nymph, thats pretty low
I don't have the time, I'm a busy man.
gebruik ook deze flag , beter dan al die andere lows xD
Then I would have to find my Sata Drivers.
put your stupid driver on a floppy/cd/dvd and load it at installation noob
Either load 3rd party drivers or slipstream the drivers into an ISO.
Read ur comment above. "Im a busy man". Think about it logically, do you want your computer to work? If yes(Obviously yes, your asking for help), get the fucking drivers and dont be so fucking lazy.
Couldn't find the drivers so I just installed normal XP with added sata drivers.

Yes I'm fucking lazy, so much so it took me 3 days to reply.
Wow, lifer, sorry oh liven one.
I looked at the device name for my hard drive in device manager and it was some Seagate random 320gb 5400rpm HDD but when I searched for SATA drivers I got nothing. I'm not a complete moron I just seemed to have no luck finding the drivers.
Grab the HWID & Enter it in google.
Is that the thing that is in device manager or the thing which is displayed in the Bios?
Its in device manager, device properties.
ST9320320AS is what I searched for in google but found no useful results for SATA drivers. Just links for buying it etc :/
Thats no the hardware ID
You mean the shit with the underscores in it? It's jibberish.
Its no jibberish to software tho!
bullshit!!! sata driver install from usb stick with xp rofl. go to bios change to IDE and install your xp!
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