ET and win7 ?


Been away and problably will stay away from ET, but i have been reading crossfire now and got this itching feeling. So i want to know how is ET running in windows 7, if it runs... ?

You've been away not reading crossfire and stuff but before you wen't you did remember there is a search function RIGHT?!
go fuck yourself
If I could gain / would be physically able to, achieve sexual satisfaction from fornicating with myself I would. However considering I can't you can drop yo mommas digits in the next reply.
please make your life worth living and go do something else rather then comment about the functions on the websites. Im not going to look your other comments, it would problably make me just sick and sad.
And again, go fuck yourself.
Ok thanks for the lessons on life but there is just one part of the lecture I don't understand. Configuring windows 7 to work with ET = a successfull life right? Can you recommend a good place to purchase a copy of windows 7 or should I illegally download it, as I really really want to achieve your standards of an awesome life worth living. P.s I see no digits? Whats up with that? Please tell me shes not a rugmuncher :'(
Theres allways one guy who satisfies himself on forums like you. What you get out of it??
Yes, i remember i had some issues with PB, it would just stop running in 1-2 minutes or so and i would be kicked out of the server. And servers without PB aint fun :(
use search, so many journals and topics about it already..
my et isn't installed for win7 but it's runs without any problems :D
my et runs on win7 better than it did on vista
That's because windows 7 runs better than vista.
exactly :)

and also seems to be consistant - less spikes
welcome back <3
Fixed for most servers at least.

Crappy homoservers like cybergames will still give trouble until PB released support for win7
it runs perfect except on servers who don't have the latest pb updates like cybergames, you will get kicked on those but on BIO,private servers etc you can play perfect
I got windows 7 @ 64 bit and everything works fine here bibuy !
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