Tipp // clanless

Hi, i'm looking for active clan. No two-weekers.

Name: Tipp
Age: 15
Skill: med
Class: medic, panzer
Language: English

Contact: #clanless-et, /query Tipp or PM here.
good player, grab him ;]
low+ tbh no offence, have nothing against him just imo he's not medskilled
It's good that you have seen me playing. Love u too!
xfire skill.gl
xfire skill is mid+/++/high- .
Was with him in same clan (4 months?). Very good player, TW is good, plays riffle too when neccessary. Makes good jokes, what can I say, grab him.

Tipp musi ma olen masenduses et sa ära läksid dynamicust :<.

And Dewian, HE is atleast med skilled...

dewiian, ma arvan, et sa high+.
i guess when i played gather with him he was having a really bad day, alright, sorry.
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