


[his freaking headshots in 4 minutes]

At adlernest --> in 2 minutes they got it this were the guys weaponstats:x
Pb screens were blocked i guess as i tried it 5 times:o
i lol'd at you
nice amount of hs with such acc and few kills
Nothing really special, he could just have a good day or blatant aimbot...
Yeah thats why he could shoot me 5 hs long distance:x
i could send u a demo in which i gave 3 consecutive headshots with rifle through a tree (all prediction shots and extremly long distance)

or have a look at butchjis stats vs. NL (i think)

stats mean nothing imo though these look rly strange :)
ofc but dont have to compare butchji to a random freaking wnb
i know stats say nothing, but he had a pb screen blocker i guess.. couldnt take it:o
Btw what about this


Dunno but to me this crosshair looks rather square than circular... and you cant take a square in ET or can you...

One of his teammates tho
you can take a square crosshair in ET..

cg_drawcrosshair 15
kj didnt know about that^^
i lol'd even more
yeye ur skilled
no:< dont have:<
LoL even i can get more headshots then that with panzer :|
scoot can get much more
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