No Quake Wars release on 16 March

A lot of sites are spreading the rumour that there will be a Quake Wars release on 16 March.

To bad these rumours are based on nothing and Activision has just announced that there wil be NO release on 16 March.

hmm think i wont like QW.
no becose it would not be suprise if QW is much like bf2 or sumthn :(
(my opinion :P)
why cant qw just sort of look like ET but just BETTER:) not that battlefield shit
et looks god (with movie cfg)
Because ET:QW is located in to the Quake-universe (despite the name?), not in Wolfenstein.
Define Battlefield shit? The looks are maybe alike but thats because both games use both the same earth environment.
Trees look like trees and rivers look like rivers.

The looks dont make the game, gameplay does and gameplay is great in Quake Wars.

Even in the alpha version i played (which was not done balancing) the gameplay was way better then BF2 or 2142.
Perhaps, but it has vehicles, vehicles require no skill at all. Any retard can jump in a vehicle and kill 20 people. Vehicles and big maps is a big no-no for me. On top of that it prolly requires a super computer to run smoothly.

So my conclusion: It will probably be a fun game for people who like the bf style of play and crap for people who like to play rtcw/et. There is absolutely no reason why people would want to switch from rtcw/et to et:qw, it offers nothing more besides fancy graphics and vehicles...
And another thing that it will ad is frustration. Those games with tanks and all that lotto shit are just to kill time and get raped by campers with massive vehicles. Nice for the average retard but not for ETplayers.

If your curious how gay vehicles are you can play Warrock its free and has vehicles. However its nice to sometimes play a online game that isn't filled with cheaters but instead its filled with laggers :s
it sux anyway, tbh
If you think so :)
vehicles sux
battlefields are way too gay tbh. BF is for guys who want to rape the
**** out of ppl. But if QW is like ET(physics,hp,same hs mode not like in bf were u die with one hs) then i will definetly be happy <3
who cares?
fanboy of QW?
I cannot understand why you are all blaming that you don't need veichles and all that shit, but you need just a better et.

There is a bettere et. It's called Return To Castle Of Wolfenstein.

And plz, can you all call the next game Wolf2 and not Rtcw2 ?

Why should this poor man return again for the third time in this crappy wolfenstein castle ?

Did i post this in the wrong forum? This IS the Enemy Territory forum isn't it?

Quake Wars is just as related to ET as Wolfenstein, maybe even more if it comes to gameplay.
Why are lots ofW:ET players whining about everything being different in Quake Wars. I heared EXACTLY the same whine when W:ET was announced. OMG this is NOT RTCW at all, we don't want that!'

Fine be me, just stick to your old game and NEVER buy or try a new game. But PLEASE quit the stupid whining. If you are still happy with your game, great, i am happy for you.

For people that DO like new games, there is a new Dev Diary of one of the dev's. You can read it here
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