Looking for ET Klan!

some kind of klan to play rifle in .. note rifle only . :) (I dont care what skill tbh as long as you play scrims)

played this game longer than anyone(since demo) a bit slow reflexes (im 36) k but I do have a lot of xperience.. and have played with/against most top players during the years..

Might consider a backup spot if you are really serious!

I prefer a tactically free position as rifle without demands to build shit up or throw dynas ,, I can plant them but not throw them out .. :p

I dont really care what skill you are as long as you are mature & talk english/swedish, if you give me some time I will show what I can do , I have been inactive for a few years now , installed the game again a week ago . :)

check my profile If you want more gob@r info ; got some movie links as well ..

mail: [email protected]

/. no flaming allowed in my post ! hehe
posted the same in journals , and it seems to be more visited there .. :)
how about adding a news?
gl :)
goodluck ^,^
lycka till!


image: gobarpwned ;)
good luck :)
u sound lik3 an EGO ENGY (im not putting down any dynos...) GL!
perhaps I do , but since my years of playing this game I also know that its tactically best to actually use the rifle nade weapon (not let him build shit), you cant do that if you have to build cp and throw dynas .. :)

meening I want to play in a team that uses second engs or atleast swap classes and do some objectives ..

im a rifle engy yes , no fkkn bob the builder .. lol
i admit an agressive rg is the shit
luckily clans dont pick fueldump so often anymore
only goldrush has those barriers (or was it only 1?) so dont worry ^^

2 engi together build so much faster plus
u can build 50% and still fire rg
I know a Klan that's always recruiting, though currently they are looking for young talent.

image: kkk
lawl i noticed that too
ugly tents they have on theire heads ?! .. :)
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