Flocky avi

So I'm looking for a team after aestas failed sadly enough ( <3 everyone in there though :p )


- I dare say med+
- pro medic/second engi/ fops
- playing since 2004
- Crossfire high+ skill
- Talks dutch/english + limited german & french
- I can play from sunday till thursday ( so rly active atm )
- leadership qualities :D
- reliable
- CC7 avi
- Mature
- Never cheated


- med+
- Stable (so no 2 week clans)
- Active as in set training days & times
- Active in several leagues
- be somewhat known
- Mature
- Not cheating
- Have brains


contact on #aestas or pm me here
gl flock
gl <3 take him, he pwns
gl, really pro take him !
- I dare say med+

dont u dare to ever say that again :DD

jk gl :)
gtfo haferflocke!
gl Flocky !
great idea, i'll start with that right now!
very good player, gl !
Skilled guy gl
awesome guy,
awesome leader,
awesome player!

redox busted and banned faggot :~~~~

better take Diza instead of this belgium trash.
gl flocky
why aestas folded?

btw nice guy and skilled player, deserves a good team :)
gl flocky <3
goodluck, really good player :)
goodluck FLOCKER
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