making websites etc.

Hello. I'm finally well-educated in programming websites, portals etc so that I was wondering if anyone knows a good site with job offers for people like me. I wrote a lot of usefull scripts and I've got 2 mates who are making graphics. I could programm for anybody in english and polish. You can find some of my latest achievements here: I made a lot of websites for polish consumers but i'm tired of working with cheap polish people and that's why I'm asking you guys
didnt read but gl
What's the point of that anti-rightclick shit? Has no function except being annoying :€
it's a futile attempt to hide their bad html/script/css skills ;)
My advice is to keep educating yourself because you still adhere to bad coding techniques.

With just a quick glance at the html/css/javascript sources, I would not recommend anyone to give you a job offer.
well i think you're wrong just because last websites of our company were written this way it doesn't mean i'm not pro in other techinques.
xhtml, css, wml, xml, js, php, perl, ajax + mysql, oracle
that's what i can do with my eyes closed, I haven't found anyone more addicted to programming than me. :)
reaaally.. you are pro? You do realise you just listed the easiest languages of all, right? And even those, you have used in a bad way. So how am I wrong?

I've been programming since I was 11 and that's about 26 years ago so I do know a little bit of what I'm talking about.

Show me a site where you actually put those languages you are so pro in to good use and I'll reconsider my opinion.

A small piece of advice. Learn about OO design patterns and seperation of concerns using model, view, controller frameworks.
My guess what ronner is meaning by that is that there are alot of style commands inside the webpages. You should use xhtml and put the style commands in a css file.
The thing is that this kind of procedural programming is most likely not only limited to the html/javascript/css he makes, and thus there is a high chance the back-end is a big fat procedural spaghetti.
QuoteI made a lot of websites for polish consumers but i'm tired of working with cheap polish people and that's why I'm asking you guys

Wrong place.
try telling that to all the polaks here.
wrong place, ppl posting here are not able/do not want to pay!
Actually my question was: Do you guys know any good site with job announcements, that's all
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