how to contact the admins?

a friend of mine has lost his pw and has problems to get a new one
so we searched something like a contact form, but ...
where to find it, uh?
irc maybe?

but ops are afk over there though ,
#crossfire @ quakenet
call 911 :D
Damn, you found us... :{
create a new one? omg
there is no way to contact them. is part of the Heaven Media Group
About | Advertising | Sales | Contact
thats contact for heavenmedia, not crossfire
Parent is part of the Heaven Media Group
ask plekter, he's the only nice admin that helped my friend in a similar situation :)

I asked sol but the lamer didn't even reply to me, nor did tosspot or anyone else I could reach on irc :P
Try Nellie, hes one of the few good admins out here. No wait ...
delete system32 folder
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