hon help

why my hero is walking to the creeps if i dont click on the creeps?
he is doing it auto..

what i need to turn off?
you can't turn that off
the others dont have it..
press "H" , h goes for hold zeh position, he wont move or attack without ur order, arghh!
ur mean creep of enemies or your?

if its enemies: then its normal hes just attracted by them basicly lol (LEARN TO LAST HIT)
creeps my hero is walking to the creeps and i dont click on it
Your team's creep or other team's creeP?
use S to stop the action, or keep walking
or use H to hold position.
other team creeps..
use S to stop the action, or keep walking
or use H to hold position.
Heroes always auto-attack enemy units, you have to:

1) move back and forth so he won't auto-attack; or

2) press H to hold position or S to stop any action.
just keep moving back and forth in one spot. easiest way imo.
i move with wasd, so i have "order stop" binded q and "order attack" e , easy to take last hits/denie creeps :o
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