Need a backup?

Hi people, I would like to play some competitive ET with a decent team and am thinking I am currently best suited to a clan's backup role, as I'm not *always* available and have been away long enough to need to catch up again. If you were predominantly a UK team that would be great, however i realise that would be asking alot.

Some info about me:

UK player
Approx. med skilled
Play Med/Fops
Good Comms
English/German speaking


Stable lineup
No cheaters
No ex cheaters
No twats

If at all interested, please feel free to either drop me a message in this thread, my cf inbox or in either #baroque, #rv, or
Do not however feel free to spam my topic ;)
Bump for a nice guy.
Gl Sod :P
Haven't seen you around in ages!.. but then again.. same counts for me :)
Heh thanks. Good to see you again.
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