darkrider busted

such a skillor lol!
another lowbird
file unavailable!
We busted him with kartez over a month ago , stop stealing the credits faggot.
linkzor for kartez please
That kid went from low to med after not playing for a month back when I was still around, expected him to get busted a long time ago.
cannot download avi :/
lol, fake bust imo
Cant dload ; Kinda obvious tbh
He was obvious..
few mates played vs them
they egoquitted
The file you are trying to access is temporarily unavailable.

.. Is there demo's of me & target?
u were using the aimbot and stuff when i was mercing for you and darkrider so dont speak :)
unexpected, he's been sucking cheaterlickin' cock for about 1 month now
snusman is famous
oot tsekannu ton äijän just :D kato kuvaa
aaaaaaaa :DD:_
darkrider is a fucking dick =D
and who?

e: can't download this shit
Hi Kill3rBoi! :_D
hastes version image: darkriderhead


image: darkrider2
tbh, he looks like cool guy
well you from finland with people with the likes of GOLBA! so please don't question whats cool
And in english, please?
watched the demos...
all i can say that there is a few fishy moments in darkrider's demo & i can see why u posted, but everyone has fishy ones .. even killerboy :p
lol @ me and target's demos .. err, what did u prove?
and the 2 demos on supply failed, u demo'd nothing :s
a) you play with a cheater
b) you defend the cheater when the avi is as obvious as the fact that you're a retard
c) you're american
d) you're a random who wants attention by hacking
e) you're american
f) member for 8 days
g) you're american

What did the g5 say almost, what, 3 months ago??

GTFO Darkrider you fucking kid
Darkr1der? You're a fucking moron.
lol fail bust just watched all of the demos, nothing more than good comms and wp to the 2 demos in supply, what am i surposed to me seing?

and as if target would cheat lolololol
Would love to see your comms. Your high girl voice would be very hard to understand me thinks :D
it's not if there good or not but there truth
lol :D
cmon .. just admit ur deepest decret 8D
basicaly im saying the pics are true tho he has got massive forehead and he is a dickhead
forgot password on old cf account and can't give this is just one optunity i can't miss

Member For: 0 days
i know it's bad but im a tard
Ha, to be totally fair I have been clean for the past 4 years..
Why would I ruin that now?
Anyone that plays with me will know that I suck most of the time, and if you watch those demo's you will see how much I was carried.

As for darkrider, well the AVI looks so dodgy but we live in the same house, I think I would know if he uses hacks.

If he does, eh hides it from me and that makes him a bitch!

Peace x <3
Member For: 1 day
Never needed crossfire so whats your point?
stop with the Member for : x day(s) comments, its just pathetic, its not like every fucking ET player is registrered at a nerd site ..
Member For: 1 year, 10 months and 19 days
It's the price you pay for your brother cheating :-)
jesus christ :DDDD
"Target/Assassin (his brother) and jooz were also hacking"


those demo's show nothing <3
If i'm honest, I couldn't be bothered wasting my time on you since I've never heard of you :(

Get abit more known!
This is top Notch! lol
rofl i told u u were hacking on cybergames dragonball z goten :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD

though the last kill cud be clean, sounds.
Doesn't suprise me.

unknown UK players are usually cheaters anyway
LOL that demo couldnt be any more obvious, darkrider is a little retard who protects cheaters anyway...
fucking retarded piece of shit

go real lifing, maybe you wont fail there as hardly as u did on the interwebz
Your mum sounds like a nerd.
I don't need to "fuck her", as you so crudely put it, to know that she sounds like a nerd.
Hope your mu gets eaten by squirrels, good day
Haha :D Typical.
hey darkrider, your a faggot
Haha :D Typical.
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