Kevji needs ²

so after Yatta folded again, i'm searching for a new medskilled 6o6 team where i can play as rifle, prefer a german speaking team but english should be fine too.

ex clans in profile

for more infos /q Kevji`oN or Kevji`oFF @
good luck <3
fucking gl from me
good luck, private schnitzel.
gl my wc3 mate!!^^
ex team disqonnect, wtf?
was the low team with rainbow shoes and so on :)

edit:this one
gl kevji nice guy <3
watn, hat der kindergarten wegen armut zugemacht, oder warum sucht das peinliche volk ein team?

Ich Kotze glei Germany
must lol at 90% of the people who already commented on here.
did i? :o
i like what youre doing here
i did too , i was drago! :D
gl Kevjii
good rifle ^^
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