Netcoders = Your Fucked :D

Dear Fellow Wankers, Please feel free to feel the wrath of some of us ;) i can assure your websites will be down from time to time now ;) next time think twice mother fuckers

[nC] Neix
actually i expected sth like that
thats the same like you start to fight against the mafia...
the busts and the research and report from the nC forum was well done but now the consequences are coming up...
I'm really scared now
YOU SHOULD, your website will be down from time to time!!!!!!!

I'm not joking. I am really scared of the Anonymous Mafia
let's (s)care together!
I don't actually care as long as you do not postpone the Burning Crusade release.

not crossfire :[[[

average age of nc staffs mental development: 11
lmao fucking noobs
You're =! Your
imho it sounds good that only the website will be attacked and not fusen himself...
whose side are you on?
lets get him !

shoot first , then ask questions
i really like it that something like that happened and many "famous" and "high" players got busted...
but it was clear that an organisation like nC wont leave this without consequences...
fact is that fusen did something that was not conform the law as well
i really support those actions of fucking up all the cheaters but this is a dangerous area
Best nC team/fans , your website is already down :(

didnt they take it down on their own?
That's what they want to make u think
the very definition of pwned.
I salute you
LoL! pwnt imo n1
they are able to do more than you expect...
i know one of nC
can I touch u now ?
yea, you told us. about ... 17 times now ?
nC's PR at its best.
we still stand !
I hope u coded this site better than they did !
well what i wanna say is:
i cant really tell the size of the possible consequences but basicly fact is that fusen smashed down one of their big "economies".
just see that without standing on any side...
but what exactly they can do to take revenge... dunno ... we will see during next time...
hahahahhahaa =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDdd
im so fucking scared !!!!! XFIRE DOWN WTF NOOOOOOOOOOOOOH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DONT DO IT!!!!!


best one ever tbh! keep on that way!!!oneoneone!
shit :(

I think this means we'll all be mowed down by the netcoders on the next crossfire LAN
they will bomb the building so that there will be no crossfire LAN. :((
OMG XFIRE DOWN I CANT DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
get a life
cu @ lan
lolsen .
Im scared of your 'nC nerdy's' . Come and kick my ass .
ur one of them stfu :P
please don't kill us netcoders :'(
wordt rechter !
w00t, meer van deze :D
dont know if its serious... we will see...
Dear Netcoders, oh do shut up, thankyou
NOES i know what they are doing :<
they are going to punch the shit out of fusen in rl :(
wanna see the proofs? here i got a photo of them waiting for fusen to come out of his house:
image: nerds
cmon stop the bullshit and release those undetected hax, I cant wait to get aimbotting @ leagues
#netcoders Cannot join channel (G-lined: Channels dedicated to multiplayer cheats are forbidden on Quakenet.)
Oh no ;o poor NC
#netcoders Cannot join channel (G-lined: Channels dedicated to multiplayer cheats are forbidden on Quakenet.)

sod off nc
* Added Neix to your buddylist !
meaby check out who got the .be domain
and meaby the cops will be @ his door

but hey it's a free world ;)
do whatever u can't leave

but pls stop making these idiot posts :<
My last name is "Hanssens", does it make me pro?
Should you all fear me?
lol check for relatives :o)
I live in Wetteren, he in Erpe-Mere, could be a relative.
That's like 5-10 km from here.
We have his adress, we can now send him packages with dead mamals to threaten him... }:D
lol i love how they all say "mother fucker" typical kiddy responses and they all say the same thing \o/
whos writing the comments there? a 12 year old kid?

Quote Credits to crossfire for advertising our site! nC is going to reward your efforts by providing
FREE UNDETECTED bots for several games, specially designed for clan gamers.
Revenge is sweet, if the league is dying :D.

there r too much lol´s in here!!!

First they wanted to find some laws, now they wanna destroy leagues?!? first thing didnt work so lets try another mission impossible?!?

i fear the war of communities already started :/

QuoteFREE UNDETECTED bots for several games, specially designed for clan gamers

oh noes, like you cared if anyone used it on clanwars before

go blow a dog, lowlife fuck's
i just know him because he s kind of a nice guy....
and once i wanted him to play a war with him and didnt even expect that he would turn on his bot ^^
was nice to spec :D
CB should make a Haxxed Euro Cup where al nC kiddies can compete whit the same free undetected hax.
You've always supported cheating in clan wars.

And it requires people to use these bots :)
do i?
you missunderstand me...
its just that i dont know how they really can take revenge if they want...
Cheaters only own us in game on pubs with their lame bots. And they get kicked quite easily lately, on telenet at least.
Other than that they are getting verbally elbowed in all these forum threads by the clean players.
Very entertaining, keep it up!
Btw when will your site be up again? Can't wait see how long it takes before your shitty and cheap software gets hacked again.
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