2 players searching a home

me and my mate repsol are looking for a nice clan
we are playing now for like 2² years ET and have some pretty nice clan exp.
we are both dutch but can speak english ofc.

what we have:

- ventrillo old/new
- ts
- we got ET
- overated
- alot of sexiness
- no whine
- some nice skills

we are searching for a nice 6o6 Stable clan.
with NO shouting on comms :X
our skill is like med/med+

sector prefers 3o3 but 6o6 is also oke. / Field op /engi
Repsol prefers 6o6 and dont want 3o3! / nurse / engi

clan history:
Look at profile.

mirc : Sector` - Seco`BNC
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