LOWzor cless

Ok , the day today gave me the rest since survive gaming , my dearest and oldest lovely 6on6 subteam told me that I am too low for them to play the league for fun final (the event i was waiting like 2 months on :(! ) , im going to do some recent clesspost.

I am:
16 yrs old / 17 in a few weeks , mature
from germany , able to speak fluent english , french and a bit dutch :P
classes : multiclass
skill : med- MAX HI STRAY
ingame leading and tactics-creating are a welcome offer for me!
active , (currently also in "supernerdZ" just some semi-active team playing on mondays wednesdays and saturdays (LOLOL NOLIFE) , I could quit this for your pracc days ofc!! )
Ex teams in profile , have a nice day.

please fullfill those requirements anyways!!:
Have a server , be stable , have some communication serveracces like ventrilo or sth and be mature!! (stable pracc times / lineup is hopefully nohing new.)

shoutout to kevji whos still my mate and still believes in me :'(!

thx 2 stray for your directness at mIRC , i really appreciate your private chat with me.

(this shit is rly sad :S)

EDIT: Contact via crossfire
mIRC @ #crossfire / #supernerdZ /q pHAZOR / OFFzor
gl <3 nice and skilled <3
Quote(this shit is rly sad :S)

made me hate life
your story made me cry :`(

gl tho
get skill and join my hood.
hähä , lass ma n3rden später
was fur ein Drama! : p

good luck although : )
nice post gl
gl <3 nice and skilled <3
u are to low for survive..... then u are realy low ^^ gl ph4zor
Finally find a decent team otherwise you're a wasted talent : |
Good luck :)
wie ich das jetzt erst lese und lachen muss
gl bene!!!!

lern lieber mathe als ET zu spielen xDxD
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