Fps lags

Dear Crossfire Community

I got sometimes fps lags while goes down to 30 fps and go back to stable 75 fps back.

What is the problem?

Well my hardware you can see in my profile dont want to write it now :D

I made allready PB update etc nothing changes.

Greetz Taofo

I also search a Clan btw :)
get used to it :P
well dont know what i should do rly :D
Dont open external programs when you play on a pb server :P. like msn/firefox.
I just have AVG Anti Virus on the background is that the problem ?
Dont think so, I have it aswell :P
Well i just reinstalled all new Windows 7 and ET :)
deactivate threaded optimization @ nvidia control panel
where exactly couldnt find it :S
thanks m8 :) will try it now
lul wir haben die selben idle temps :-D
Check the temperatures of your hardware, i have big fps spikes because of >90 degrees on my cpu :/. Gotta buy a cooling pad, Antec NotebookCooler S.
omfg no fucking way :OOO wtf is fps drops :O
its when your frames per seconds drops every time
oh :o thx 4 the info
np duuuuuuuuudeeee
versuch mal ET nur auf einen kern zu binden resp. pb A auf 1 und pb B auf den 2 zu binden das hat beim kollegen von mir geholfen..
Xfire OFF Msn OFF

give fps drops 4 me
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