Need Munchies?

Im cless, looking for team.

Info about me:

Im 27 and live in UK.
Med skill i guess
Played ET since the beginning, but not so much in last year.
(tag is munchies but oldschoolers might know me as docholiday)

I used to do a lot of managing with MGCs and Cod4/CSS teams etc. I managed TLR for a while, taking their teams to many lans. Also worked with FatGames, uQ-Gaming, Auxilia etc etc.

I have played ET since the beginning, but only ever in mid skilled teams.

I work for myself from home, so im online a lot.

pm me here if you want me to tryout etc
gl dude
goodluck munchies
27 and still playing ET? rofl...

haha too good
gl munchies
gl doc o!:D
nice guy, take him!
gl munchies! you didn't mention Signum watafackkk?!!!!
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