In7 recruiting again

Intolerance is searching for active players for the main team!

Our team is gonna play the play offs on ESL Soon. And we need some decent active players for training and officials!

If you want to join:
- Med skilled or higher
- rifler or medics good in revive

And please no cheats, no whine, you also have to be dutch speaking(belgium, netherlands)

We offer: BNC, Server, website and ofcourse allot of fun!

Contact: -> Notorious
audes was je line up nu dna? :)
soooooooooo what your lineup since i see a really weird skilldiffrence in your team
edit: ok already know whadup ill shut up gl v1tal and billenbob
GL AUDESJE <33333333333333

&de rest ofc

buite die supahdupah , is een kankerkneus
thanks mate <3

gelukkig weet ik wie het zegt
atleast med+
which cheaters are you getting this time? less obvious ones i hope.
na just one with better bots :D
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