need players (gays only)

nOoOoOoOxious: lovely
nOoOoOoOxious: my inet explorer crashed about 10 times this night
nOoOoOoOxious: of which 9 while i was watching porn
retsev: use Firefox
retsev: never fails during porn
nOoOoOoOxious: too lazy to downloade
nOoOoOoOxious: move it with that post
*retsev falls asleep*

so lets move it

we need 4 guys + a few backups for a new 6on6 team, just for the fun

All we want from you is

- mature
- avi monday, wednesday and sunday 20.00-22.00
- no excheaters and stuff, we dont like gays with hax:on
- decent comms
- skill about med or smt
- be a nice teamplayer
- no kiddos
- all classes (especially rifle)
- have a bad taste of humor just like me and noxious
- things i forgot

we got

- nothing
- fun
- active

you can find me and noxious @

cu and flame so we got smt to laugh of
so i see..
cu at ESL playoff! :D
GAYS ?! Why i have a clan :(?!
Gays only xdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxdxd.
internet explorer is shit
take Denmark brad?
Avi, :D!
If I'd be gay I'd write u ..
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