Millan still searching =(

Getting quite desperate and really want to get involved playing again!
Avi for 6on6/5on5 or 3on3.

My info:

* Skilled (~med+)
* Class: medic/eng (anything except fops)
* Traits: Very experienced, good aim, excellent revives/comms/motivation/team play..
* Swedish or English.
* Contact me here on crossfire or IRC (nickname: Millan or Millan- ) for tryout.
* Very active, everyday.
* Never cheated

My needs:

* No new projects unless it's with players I know and it's STABLE
* Team play and good comms
* Need a BNC

Where is the motivation to try me out (didn't get "any" offers last post)? I'm avi to tryout and will idle your channel...
GL mate! hope you find something guuud! :O)
gl mate :) #quaco /Q zNARK1NAT0R
GL m8
great player, gl
gl naab
xD... what are you doing now?
touching my balls :DDDDDDD <3
gl millan! oLe ftw! *<|:D-)--(
GL hope u find a clan
Gl owner ! serios this guy is good take him
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