Need help with Vista

Hey everyone i hope i can get a good answer for my question that im about to ask.

My friend has Windows Vista Home Premium and he really wants to play wolfenstein, so he downloaded it and every thing worked fine.
But when he where about to search for servers, none of them pops up. to keep it simple, he cant find any servers.
He have checked the windows firewall just incase windows were blocking ET, but it didnt.
so he dont know what to do now...I would be glad if someone had a good answer to this, and dont come with that "vista sux" cus we allready know that lol :p
just put your i-net cable in your pc!
My friend has Windows Vista Home Premium and he really wants to play wolfenstein, so he downloaded it and every thing worked fine.
just try to find some thing like ase or hlsw (server browser)
k gonna try that
but his servers wont show up ;o might it be something with PB to do? and yes his i-net cable is in lmao, when he tested to connect to a serv via xfire it said "recuires UAC elevation"
run ET as admin
What TeeHee said.
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