we had 3v3 ladder official vs them lately. we usually play vs mid+/high and we never get plain aimrape. but those nooname owners really plainly aimraped us, even tho their gameplay apart of aim didn't seem too highskilled. i just felt like playing vs guys with 3rd eye so to say. after conversation they agreed to send demos. as we know newest haxes have humanized aim and other attributes that make it less decetable by human eye, so they might have just too much faith in bot. there is a demo of razaa, watch it and say your opinion, does it seem like a hack to you or not.
noname? <-> rh ??
just watch the demo with r_shownormals 1. you may find some interesting moves. i don't whine but those guys really seemed highly suspicious to me. i never mind losing to stronger team, just something didn't add up about how they played. i'm not saying it's 100% sure hax, more like asking your opinion about it. but you gotta watch the demo first:)
razaa is skilled dumbass
vanq and h3 are skilled too
vanq is a low life retard
Agreed, but who else? Hard to tell lately ;(
Razaa came from nowhere and was high?.. but its kinda normal anyway?
nice spec whine!!
vegi, you think that everbody who is better then YOU is a hacker, for example: Me?!
Maybe im a random noname but nobody knows what the real skill, and everbody says ... hacker or something like that.
And to be honest, razaa is playing very smart and he got also a good aim.
i dont care who s better and who not, the point is he became from med to high and he hasnt played 5 months?
ok vegi du yawnst auch bestimmt gerne dann sag mal wo du den abstand von 5 monaten siehst?

mach die sache nicht lächerlich als sie schon ist,
ich meine du bist doch kein Kind! und ich auch nicht
und auserdem ich care nich was irgendeiner sagt,
es geht nur darum die wollen nicht den loose akzeptieren.
yes, and i said allready, that he plays all the time smart and staff so please, i got also so demos where he is playing very nice
AND NO HAX!!!!!!
you dont know nothing about me "vegi", at beggining we playd (you,me,Danone) then i was afk cause we get new connection and before we couldnt play together, and you know the fact vegi!!!
After i got connection (16 mbit) a few weeks later i playd vs you, funky and zerta . cause i owned you and my team lost cause zerta (hax) and now busted! then you see me on bio cause i play much on bio and you say why i watching on the walls, then i gave 1 player 3 hs (oneway strafe=3hs) and you said nice eTbot after that you leaved from buddy .

And as me and irfan and crod play against you , and you said we cheats .
Every time if you guys loose to opponents you says they are cheating and other stuff.

You know nothing about me or my mates which i play .
we playd at beginning 3 years ago in es-clan and others for fun .
1,5 year ago we got idea of Rh me, pornpete,irfan
irfan gone holiday and then i mercd with you and you joined halfjear ago to us .and thats the fact!!!
And 1,5 years ago we allready playd in semi finals Oc and stuff like that. and you know my previous nick adDnan.

The fact is you cant see if other skilld guys win against you.
DO you really think you are the only skilld!

After RH you join mylegend(141) you think now you are the only pro on world , but its unfair if you lie.

And you said about my scenes that i m cheating.
But you playd with bangbros and havent says anything about zerta.
ok that are facts
so dont judge of the skills from other players! if you dont know the history of them....
das war lächerlich :D
lol demo talks by itself :D i would even say WH :D

great aimbot indeed.
there is nothing suspecious in this demo... just one scene there was he was pointing at an enemy behind the wall, but that can happen...

btw @ addnan, u were also playing on the united servers long time ago, didnt you? coz i remember ur nick, but dunno where from xD
razaa = addnan and he created rh...

ofc it's the POINT IF YOUR QUESTION WAS "But maybe he came to rh from nowhere?"
you said it in irc 2 times, your mate did a forum thread

now we got your point of view thx
Just to be clear on it
you are a no-name too, tbh.
But i dont cheat
^^ yeah cause they hack of cause they are no names of cause u are high....wake up go playing at fragland
Who knows? Most people thought h3 and Vanq were skilled too. Even I couldn't tell Vanq was hacking when I specced him.
Doesn't mean I think razaa hacks, I've played with him and he seemed like a good aimer.. but you never know. Not anymore.
what was most highly suspicious that they didn't play very clever. they just won on plainly on their aiim. we've played vs other highskilled teams, lakaii and his m8s, gosu guys, jacka and his friends and never have lost coz of plain aimrape. furthermore never had this strange haxing feeling. just when you play vs highskilled team you see their good teamwork, understand what they do and why they do it. playing vs thease guys... they're teamwork seemed like shite, they randomly didn't selfkill and hanged around with luger, charged in through narrow points which are easy to defend. they just seemed strange. thats why i'm posting it. something don't add up about them.
man you talk so much shit you just loose and you dont want accept thats why you talking hack and other shit !
i dont need to defend me or other one cause dont need it .
okay, if its 100 percent clear that he hax, make some avi's and show it to me please.
If you show me that he hax, then i will never say anything about him again. But i think, that he is playing good, and he plays without hax, in my opinion.
Sorry, I cant help you. I have never seen/played with/against him.
Look at our clan in CB, we have lost AND accepted the results, dont make IT the excuse.
And we never have had a problem like this.
Nowadays there just too many cheaters like you imo. With the newest cheats etc.
And tell me why dident your crosshair move just a little bit up when we got you a heady, nothing happened.
just watched the rh defending again... you must admit that his aim is amazing. coz he realy NEVER shoots in the wrong direction and is following the enemy perfectly with the xhair(even if they are falling down) or hes using this humanized aimbot shit... we can discuss this over and over, but we cant be sure about it...

im realy curious about it now and rly like to see more demos of ya addnan...
Dot shame on you.

you say you play 3on3 against med+/high and now you post one demo only from Raza but we send you three demos and in the war we ppl in West use vent ore ts2 smth like that too speak in Wars.
and after 2 ore 3 years in ET some ppl use spawn time mostly DEF 30sec / Atack 20

you know Supply is 2 years old ore more thats call Map is overplayed.

and you said we are no name, hmm if you never played bevore against us you cant say that, dont think that out side off you r village are nobody who can beat you!

and i think you Advetising yourself. cose in beginn of the WAr after 2 spawn you started to whine cheater and so...
if you said you r skilld ore smth than nobody can say after 2 spawn that the ops are cheating ore smth.

it was clanbase match what have it to do with crossfire?

we told you in the war wait for an admin so you disconnected
you dont do matchconflict hmm ....

and now you think you r hero cose you posted bullshit on crossfire.

You started to said he wallhacking than you said aimbot than you said humnized aimbot.

whats you said at next maybe my egg on your face?

and i swear you r low minus cose we play not in our Best form we was on warmup.

you wanna opinion from lowbirds? who dont know from Wardemo cose if you r mate say too you in War go right side ore somebody come from west and not east; and in demo you cant clear that its looks like strange; cose its not depend what you see nope its depend in 3on3 that you r partner said and shoot with you...

accept the loos in CB and better you go out from the ladder cose dont need ppl like you loosers who block time of other guys
no it isnt clear ffs
yes razaa is using his brain !
Brain dosent hold your aim stady when you got HS on urself.
Hey guys
rh noname^^ i am noname
but i played many really many wars with razaa and/or irfan
it's under their gloury to hack and they don't get any results if they hack
they are playing with brain yes sometimes like freaks xD <3 but they dont cheat come on we all played sd2 plenty times and slowly we all should be able to "know" when where are the enemies
yes i think 2 or 3 acts are strange but i would say its luck

they owned you with their aim yes maybe but u ever heard sth of teamplay or ts2/vent tell the others where are the enemies/ where are NO enemys and where they got to be (brain!!^^)

so if u think razaa hax u dont know lots about ET-gameplay
that's just my opinion thx gg bye
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