J / pfinx looking for a clan

Haven't played ET for a long time, but the new 5on5 concept sounds tempting. If you are looking for a player which skill doesn't drop when Antipro comes out, you might wanna take me in. I am searching for some team from the skillrange of low-med. Can handle every class badly. pm here
If you are looking for a player which skill doesn't drop when Antipro comes out,

skillrange of low-med


gl anyways
Won't drop worse than that! No pokemon for me anymore, I'm over it.
dR.xPERIA has spoken.
GL BIG J aka the playboy
good luck
skilled gay, take him!

J @ rifle > all!
don't you think you're underestimating yourseld jani?

friendly player

great player med-med+ imo so get him fast <3

iam addicted on hon m8 but still sucking like hell:D
you still playing?
ofc, going from 1300psr to 1500psr, carrying those noobgames with arachna or puppet :P
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