yes or no?

image: pb000243

cheator or not?
vid_restart bug?
infront or behind?
it would be a lot smaller if he is behind the wall i guess
shakal<33 but its infront ;)
no hes infront because of the vid restart
hax in et? noway
im sure that guy is behind the wall :D:D ShAkal damn haxor :D
yes or no

hmm i cant choice
geil :D das bin ich :D:D:D GZ noobs :D

btw infront^^ aber der muss gut sein wenn er denkt ich (low+/med- max) cheate xDDD
und? die meisten cheater sind low+
hmm da is was wahres dran ... ^^ nagut ich gebs zu ... aber ich hab meine hax von warlord :D ^^
wahaha +1 ham ts rec !!!
We just thought is was funny that ur pbscreenshot is all fucked up.
u guys just 2 low , thats all^^
Ok so becuz we are low, ur pb screenshot is fked up?
god eh, they're just asking if theres a hack to see on the screenshot or not, they've never accused you of anything.. chill really
hes behind that wall, running to the door<:<
behind the wall lol

he is a fucking CHEATER!!!!!

infront & jumping to dodge bullets
i saw few screnshots like this one and it was some kind of ss blocker
behind the wall, the table is WAY bigger than him
looks to be behind the wall, way too small to be infront. But since everything is kinda distorted its hard to judge
failed pbss blocker imo
Behind the wall. Ban his ASS!

image: banstick
behind wall BUST!
Here's another one, ubi send me this.
image: pb000253
call 911-*[CB]Killerboy!

heiko <3
du packst das schon :D
geb dir auchn kinderreigel
it's behind, on the adlernest one, he's still on the windows behind the wall
he's inside the wall
1st picture infront the wall
2nd picture behind window lol w00t
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