CIC7 team (twidi)

Hi all!

As some of you might know, I've spent my last 11 and half months in the army so I haven't had the time to play the game competitively since last christmas when I was playing with vae at CC5. I'm getting out of there finally on 8th of january, but I've got so much holidays left that I only need to be at the army for 10 more days. So I thought that now it would be a good time to start looking for a CIC7 team as I can start practicing pretty much right away.

I've been to 3 of the previous crossfire LANs before (2nd @ CPC1 with sFx LAN, 4th @ CDC4 with vae and 7th-8th @ CC5 with vae aswell) so you don't need to waste your time worrying if I'll show up or not. Although I haven't been playing actively for quite a while I've been playing at publics and some mixeds during weekends so it shouldn't take long to get back in shape. Besides those 10 days I still need to spend at army I can practice 5 days a week on the evenings. Doesen't really matter which role you want me to fit in as I'm used to playing all the classes and can fit in on all sorts of positions although I'm probably not the best aimer around. Can pay my own trip so LAN support ain't needed although it would of course be a big plus.

You can find me under nick twidi @ QuakeNet on IRC or drop me a PM here. Only serious offers please.
good luck
Nice! Good luck!
Good luck mate. I wish I got out 8.1 too..
gl dude! was nice to play with you on the morning :p

take him!
great to see u back, gl!
gl. nice guy :)
after army your aim have to be even better than before GL
hey twidi nice to know you made it out alive !
go twidi :)
are you looking for a skilled team or does this not really matter? :) just asking ;p
primarily looking for a team that can finish top3, but if I can't find one, could join some team with great guys just for fun too

hopefully I'll find some good team though :p
bad news ,man.
they removed an mg 42 from the competitive config :\
it never was on any crossfire LAN :(

damn you TosspoT for that!
gl twidz
will you bring both your arms ? :)
Gl twidi.
Good luck!
good luck! :p
GL still awesome
nice player, gl
luck good
gl twidi
nice read,gl..
awesome player, gl
team ego
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