Wanting form designer.

Thanks for clicking.

Currently ET-TOOLS is going great! Impressed at my coding skills in some aspects! I lack in the designing area though and need someone to design me some forms/layouts that are simple and designed to suit everyone.

The style/colour can be what ever, as long as it's nice to read and a nice app to use.

ET-Tools can be found here:

Any designers if you could open up photoshop or even paint and design me a form that will be used for the main application launch section! Then after that perhaps more forms upon request?

This is my current state that hasn't been altered since first started coding, so please do not pay attention to the informaiton on there but rather design.

image: tools1

Names will be mentioned within the application and a part of you will be with me!! (wink wink).

Thank you!!!!

good idea
xD tell me about it, my design makes me cringe :D.
Im gonna test it when im at home :PPPPPPPPp looks cool and the design isnt that bad:)))

working program> nice designed form and only working for 50%
where to dl it?
im beta tester sorry:PPPPP
i got good ideas/suggestions - sometimes. plzzzz
why is ycn hosting in the list of "website information". Its by far the worst host out there. Even polish kurwamac.hosting is better..
"websites and information"

where is splatterladder?!?
Like I said this is not my design, people are creating these icons for me!
can i pm you somewhere on mirc?
i can. pm me with some details and i'll reply to you back after 23.00.
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