Hello Crossfire I need Help please :(

Hey Guys and Ladies........

I could do with some help.
I own a crt monitor 19" dell one and @ 1024 by 768 res i get 120 Hertz and i would like to know the best cmds for et to suite my monitor. I own a quite good pc
specs: 8800 XFX GTX Nvida G-Card E8200 intel core 2 duo Prossesor 4gb ram ASUS motherboard. ermm so yea i would like to know is et better with crt and why?.

Thanks :)
r_mode 8
r_displayrefreshrate 75

set ur displayrefreshrate down to 75 it's enough, then u can set a higher resolution
we kinda want totally the opposite in ET :)
if it supports 120hz, use 120hz

r_mode is personal, i play on r_mode 4 even though it supports more
moar fps, moar hz
r_mode 6
r_displayrefresh 120
r_mode 4
yes but, i mean when i play i have this werid blury at far distance so i would like to know some cmds to put into my cfg to make it look at its best for high visability don't care about graphics
i had this too, solved it by playing with my graphic card drivers a bit
r_mode 6
r_displayrefreshrate 120
com_maxfps 125

and u are like slarto machine
r_mode 4
r_displayrefreshrate 120
com_maxfps 125


r_mode 4
r_displayrefreshrate 85
com_maxfps 85
r_mode 6
r_displayrefresh 85
I don't really know how refresh rate relates to owning, but I got a really crap flat display, and my r_displayrefresh is 75. On desktop I run @ 59 refresh rate (which was the default, 60 worked too last time I tried).

However, in games (mostly every game I've tried) I get weird colour "rippling" with some hues (dark hues, mainly). I figure this relates to displayrefresh, because I have a dark-hued wallpaper, which doesn't give this rippling normally, but when I have, say, Team Fortress 2 alt-tabbed and look at the wallpaper it has this "rippling" too.

It's quite annoying, and I figure it's related to displayrefresh. I also get it on Enemy Territory. Would setting refresh rate to 60 oslt help without any side effects, or would it just make it harder to shoot alot of headshots?

PS. I play at 76 maxfps. Can't stand 125 for some reason.
R_mode 7
r_displayrefresh 120
More pixels, the more detail, logical? So higher res to clear the image up.

Refresh rate @ 75 unless it gives u "eye kanker" or in English, a headache.
I could use 1680x1050 with 120 but rather still use rmode 4. It just runs better with rmode 4 eventhough the fps doesn't really tell that. Somehow the pic gets faster on the screen or so
I'm sure you would play better with 800x600 and 120Hz than any of those modes you mentioned above
fair enough but just a curiosity, why 121 and 101 ?
i know, i played with r_mode 7 (most retarded rmode ever, but i it worked for me) with 75 displayrefresh. i tried 120 displayrefresh and noticed that i didnt had a fullscreen idd. I changed hud and played. i shot only hs for some strange reasons so now im playing with displayrefresh 120 ^^
i have
r_displayrefresh 100
r_mode 6
com_maxfps 100
QuoteI own a crt monitor 19" dell one and @ 1024 by 768 res i get 120 Hertz and i would like to know the best cmds for et to suite my monitor. I own a quite good pc

If you can get 125fps @ that res and 120hz that should be enough. As for resolution etc, try different picmips and if that fails play around with drivers / try some other people's configs.
buy a beamer
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