maybe new project?

I'm currently looking for some nice players to startup a new team with

What we wantz

* Skilled (at least med/med+)
* Be a teamplayer
* All classes (Also rifle yes)
* Be mature
* Good at comms, no whine and kiddo acting plz
* Have experience

What you might get

* Nice and active team
* Private servers and stuff
* ehm? getting famous dunnO? OOO___o
* free lessons in different languages, can provide anything

well if anyone wants feel free to join

#heartless @ Quakenet /q retsev

cu you around

ps. if you got Need for Speed: Shift it's a huge + :DDD
* Skilled (at least med/med+)

you know my skill

im medish and have experience

pm me
* Skilled (at least med/med+)

* Be mature

* Good at comms, no whine and kiddo acting plz
3 reasons why you shouldn't join then?
3 qualities that he doesn't have

good try tho!
I've played with him before. Cant say he is immature in the slightest to be fair.
guess you were lucky
Fucking estard, can't you read? He wantz you to be skilled, mature and giving sum comms.
1 team every week nice 1
i give that project 1 week !
nice guy, gl
you know my skill

im medish and have experience

pm me

Sorry razzah, but im too lazy to write it myself :)
Sorry FrankenFish, but you are low max
GL :), I'm searching for team but I have been out of the scene for a little while so my aim is off at the moment. You can ask Neca or Spie about me if you know, Ethr Garin etc... Need more PM me, I'm interested <3
you re going to play with meeee? XDD
Quote* Be mature
* Good at comms, no whine and kiddo acting plz

ur one of the biggest whiners ive ever played against and u overestimate urself.

still gl
...what, have I ever played against you? must have been a dream. are you really sure we ever have played against each other O_o I got no idea who you are tbh.
rofl u just proofed ur kiddo brain :D

still gl if u havent read tol the end
Tardfuck, he's a fucking nice guy, stfu ?!

thanks in advantage !
Age: 15 ( 9 September 1994 )

stupid kiddo stfu.. i said hes a whiner, not that he isnt a nice guy or whatelse! leanr reading and get what people are saying.
Oh noes.. Judged by my age, without knowing me (again)

well m8, i play mixes with him often and i never hear him whine..
He's listening to music often, that's a fact, but still, on xfire and on comms he never whines..
Guess you dont know this retsev !
ur comment just was childish.. i didnt judged him on being nice guy or not.. i just noticed he was whing quite alot when i played him
good luck :)
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