FiF looking for a home
We (FiF) are looking for a multigaming clan to take us under their wings. We're a stable team playing together for 2+ years, attended last EC's, ESL: Masters and CC lans atm we're preparing for the upcoming CiC7 lan.
What we need is server sponsoring and some kind of lan-support.
#fif.gaming @ Quaknet -> pm Jo0f or drop me a PM here
and ofc feliz navidad
En we zijn PiF, niet FiF!
After he told that he played 5 or 6 days a week, little time later he said: Its going nice aigan i go play active aigan, week later i never saw him aigan xD
gl my niggah <3
just q me tomorrow or write me a pm here
but if they wont find anything decent they'll still go without any sponsor
wouldn't you be looking for a sponsor if you would live in the benelux?
btw: merry xmas and I'm off to sleep cya x
merry x-mas dude