need battlefield 2 key :~>

if somebody could loan me his key, i would be very greatful
its only for weekends D:

danke !
ata be shiryon?
aih sham? anashim tovim? kashe gofanit? kol kama zman ata ba habaita :s
yesh neshek??
shizafon ahla shel makom
ayiti bearbe bsisim v-shizafon yesh tash metoraf :~>

gofanit bihlal lo kashe :XS
yetziaot well i cant compare :{
aval eim ata lo mekabel shabatot az mamash tovot

amagad amar li sheyesh lanu yetziaot ahi tovot baheylot akravieim

anashim meod tovim, beemet :~>

ken yesh neshek vasah >:D
ahi ani yodea she ani mafziz be shelot aval
ata yoze lashetah? shtahim? peailoyot / tvahim / etc
ani aimon mitkadem v-kvar ayo lanu ambush neged sudanim bagvol eim egypt :D
ayiti eim night vision

v-dugri bo mirc
ain mirc :/ profile 97? ve ma ata hayta be toh tank ve yarita?
zeho sheani lo tothan, ani naag :D:AS:D:AS:DA:SD

aval yesh 2 sogum shel maarav

maarav eim tank v-maarav bli

ayino bli tank
banino emdat asvaa

and we wait

bidiyok yomayim lifney shebanu aya bahadashot shetafsu ptzatza al agader sham
ahi ani maze roze hativa 7 ahshav
aih ani mitkabel?(giyos be november)
ata pashut sholeh lahem email v-mevakesh sheyavo aleyha katzin shel hativa 7 abayta :~>
ze ma sheata asita?

ani egati lesham dereh mishpat :XD

bo msn ?
I have one of them, but i do not give.
Give it to me instead !
today it's BF2 christmas sale on steam : 4.99 euro!

Don't be a cheapcake and buy it :D
he is jewish
For €1000 I will send mine to you:)
i got one for you /q tozuo on irc FAST
a friend of mine plays the game online with a key from a keygen and its working fine
think u only need an account thats all
but i can be wrong i have one for myself
it's a trap, he'll just get you a global PB ban + an entry on all MBIs
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