qWas1 busted :)

qWas1 spotted with wh:
image: qwas1

image: qwas

He isn't in eMTEX , he just wanted to join.
(just 4 people who now think that emtex is cheater clan)
well done aRa!! :))
Whaha :D damn u got us
emtex cheaterclan, ban plz
haha, prove we test them on hax before we recruit them.. :))
qwas1 = 13 year old dutch med-

how surprising :]
+1 he claims to be 14 but told us @ vent he is 12 nearly 13 :) so....
Quote!qWASH: bust me maar :) me pbss zijn clean
only wh? i played against him 1 round in supply, he did 70 hs or something.:D?

pls ban.
ye true, but i just made some screen;)

i played with him, he played sniper
10 hits, 6 headshots

thats why i didn't trust it
70 hs aint nothing rly special, its not hard to get hs with a wall hack because you will know where to aim to get the hs.
member for 2 days speaking here..
low with wh
nice lean
qwas1 come off it, your shit and your daddy spends $80 a year on your et servers and prob another $80 for your etbot and your not very good at hiding it either, played with you once and you were extreamly obv, #1 like 3 weeks a go your serching for a team and you mention your skill as med- then 5 days later you claim to be med+ and you failed hard.
most obv case of using cheats
lol knew it allready for months but he is also busted more tiems and he is too obvious so ban him for evah

i totally agree, i mean its obv when you see ppl hacking but when they lie about it and when they come round to getting busted they still lie :) and try to get out of it :D
he has 3 cb banned accounts.

if you have never played a clanbase offical or played on a clan base game how do they have the right to ban you? if you have never played clan base.
i was sometimes playing with him and you saw him aiming on the heads trough the walls :DDDD it was just funny but i have owned him much time when he was obvious and wallhacking. he is just low + obvious with his random lowtard hax

and your question.
when you never play a cb match you are a fucking lowtard that is a noob of et and then you play et only vs others by searching war on mirc. qwas is also only playing "fun"wars and no official wars
so they have no right to cb ban you then?
when they have a cb acc they cna ban you :)
btw who are you nigger? :D
qwas1 aka mAES? :DdDDdDdDd
played with him , nice kid

but low
hij is een kanker whanker die 10 jaar is ofso hoor hem ook praten met ze helium gek xD

EDIT : en hij denkt teveel hij zei zo ja ik word nooit gebust dit en dat
wist wel dat hij al is busted was en idd ze stem is grappig ;D

maar wel n vriendelijk kereltje :d
nee hij is een mongol :) en denkt teveel
Hahaha die stem is nice togh xD

ik vond m ook altijd helium like..
Maar zo zijn er meer 12yo uit t oosten van t land xD
Ik lig altijd helemaal dubbel :P
2nd screen epicwinl :D why lean ?! :p
i knew it for a time by now and he always said: Im not a wh'er!

we still beated him though xD
ja izi bash tog (A) gaat die egoquiten ;o
ive got a busted avi of him :))
finaly :D
thank god for that
en dan nog ontkennen ook, das best zielig =D
haha, busted! :O
he was banned something about weeks ago:

Where do 12 year old kids get money to buy hacks anyways?

"Mommy can you give me 20 euros so I can buy multiplayer cheats that contain trojans that can nullify my hard drive from suspicious merchans on the internet? Oh and they have sorta monthly fees but I can handle it. Please mom?"
pay for cheats = pbss proof.. look at his pbss, just look
nah, i belive this is a cracked old version etbot if he got kicked by pb, also if it was a etbot the pbss would either come out clear or attempt to block the pbss.
qwasi u suck
haha finally, i played against him he said he got good sounds -.^
and he still bad for using wh lolz
I played with him in Summer '09 in a 2vs2

He was named Muzzle back then.. :P

Me and both opponents laughed hard at his spins followed by *ting ting ting* triple headshots :P
Tru Vent he was panicing claiming he didnt know how to turn it off xD with his Helium Voice xDD

lowtard :x
qWas1 aka mAES??
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