RAMOZz & TimeN looking for...

Right, Germany TimeN and Germany RAMOZz looking for some 5o5 clan.

about Germany RAMOZz

- 17
- reliable and active
- med skilled
- avi on sunday, monday and wednesday
- rifle/medic/fieldop

about Germany TimeN

- 18
- reliable and active
- med/+ skilled
- avi everyday except friday and saturday
- rifle/fieldop/medic

About you? Just be funny and nice guys and we really prefer a Germany german speaking team tho Europe european wouldnt be a problem aswell..

We'd love to play together in a team, but every other offer is fine aswell, just leave a pm to RAMOZz or me or /q TimeN
good luck timen <3
gl ~TAEF~Timen
inT|tIMEN sounds oldschool as well!
good luck timen
good luck
sup with myR?
gl timen
gl both, especially the gondler
haha, noneck is the one and only gondler! thanks :)
das hoff ich aber stark :D

gl timen
nazis looking for a clan, hähä
good luck nigger (read: ramozz) 8D
gl TimeN!
sweden? what r u doing there?
no clue why it says sweden lol.
one night in sweden? @ last night
gl Timo *_* <33
gl timo :]
gl timo k. du geiles bückstück !
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