
Hmm I was just checking knk's yawn[/url], and I noticed a name 'haxor' in his yawn, with his etpro guid but another pbguid[/url], so I clicked this guid and noticed it was flx>>Noob!sh[/url]

I don't have any other proof so I guess I can't do much about it, but he is playing in the current OpenCup 6v6 and I don't need anyone to tell me guidspoofing is allowed? :X

Seems like his friends arent that clean either. Crespa-Point got busted by Bulld0g before newyear.

Thnx Chuckie!
ban him imo
guidspoofing is allowed

new rule in OC
ok thnx ;d
I know this guy cheats, and not just guid spoofing. Didn't bother getting any proof though :/
:O hax ban him :D
Wnb namesteal
n1, enough to ban from CB imo, they're just playing opencup without anyone noticing they use their own pb guids o.O
Ben benieuwd wat vincent hier mee gaat doen ;p
ban plz, no reasons to guidspoof for anyone :/
new rules:

Spoofing your guid to play in more then one clan at OC is from now on allowed.

Greetz CuntBase
haha faker
oke gelukkig dat je er wat aan doet iig :D
omfg prooves ?
QuoteI don't have any other proof so I guess I can't do much about it, but he is playing in the current OpenCup 6v6 and I don't need anyone to tell me guidspoofing is allowed? :X
hi2 highskiller kinky? :D
those guys aint highskillers lol!
vind jou nogal n retard dat je met perfo's guid gaat rondlopen

ennem mss heb je n bril nodig :)

QuoteI don't have any other proof so I guess I can't do much about it, but he is playing in the current OpenCup 6v6 and I don't need anyone to tell me guidspoofing is allowed? :X

en idd hopen dat ze die kankerlowskillertjes met hun flexcupje maar eens bannen :D
Precies, ben het absoluut met je eens!
Hoho rustig Ryan :[
Care In cybergames kan je elke wnb daar bannen Om het uur zie je iemand lopen met idle^Reload of tekoa perfo butchji
Boeiend als iemand andermans nick heeft, het gaat hier om gespoofde guids
Ja oke dat is waar maar ik weet niet hoor ,, ik denk niet dat jij het leuk vindt als iemand met gefakede tag de server binnen gaat en doet net of ie tekoa of perfo is
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