pepsi need clan


i am Juho and my username is pepsi.

I am from finland.

I am low+ player. and i am 16 years old. i am played ET about 2 years.

I can play evenings and weekends i can play morning, day, evening and nights
on weekdays i can play 17.00-22.00 and weekends i can play 10.00-03.00 :)

I search nice clan or team where i can play matchs

And i have microphone and xfire. my xfire is lostskull.

CONTACTS:my here on pm and you also can add me on xfire. lostskull
hehe, you again
i think that you, sir. Don't got a life

*and don't say the i am gamer i have lots of life crap pl0x*
geel! :)
how unique nickname, recsept
Watch out people, his xfire is lostskull.
For some reason this made me smile
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