adeto searching

Ohhai Crossfirerers!

I'm just looking for a decent team to play 5on5 with.

About me:
skill: med
very active(had surgery and cant go outside xD)
motivated to improve
going 100% cic7 also without a team
good english/coms

Atleast from you:
stable(newproject is oke if the players are commited)
supported(servers etc)
play atleast 3 times a week
(an active cic7 team is prefered)

You can contact me by leaving a reply here with contact info or pm/query me at irc: /q adeto

See you at CIC7, unless you are finnish.
gl adeto : )
GL adeto :o nice guy!
Gl Adeto !
fkng pwner
LOL gl :)
mhm - no special reason :) really :D
good luck
gl remy <3
<3 for adeto, big biceps, big penis, High+ ass, etc, etc
IFYA even remember me :<
tj map builder/ you teached me how to tj
haha, will kick ur ass at lan!":D
Gl adetlow! Better than med i'd say.
Deserves a good team =)
gl mate :)
gl honey :)
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