#JAEVLA searching!

image: 74167229

#JAEVLA is a newly formed project.

We are aiming for great sucsess!

We need 3-4 active and very skilled players.

What we expect from you:

- Mature.
- Skilled. (Known +1)
- Activity.
- Working microphone which isnt making annoying voices.

What you can expect from us:

- BNC's.
- Mature,
- Skill and effort to reach high.
- Ventrilo channel, server as soon we get that sorted.
- Activity
- A great time!
- Server when provided with sponsorship.


- FrosKjee / Medic, Engineer and Fieldops.
- huNti / Medic
- You / Medic
- You / Medic or Panser
- You / Rifle

Contact us here at Crossfire or at #JAEVLA @ Quakenet under the nick "FrosKeN" and "HOUNTI".

- huNti / Medic

Please kid, ur low, don't bother posting, go 'work' u still have a life ahead of u, nerd :-)
would join but hunti is too high for me...
#connect braun: ye hunti was still hacking in that war he sayd and i saw he was to obvious..

tard gtfo hunti hacker
braun thinks everybody hacks...
why listening to a low--- player who is busted himself
jonge ik speelde met hun mee he en ik zei hijs obv zei iedereen ja hijs ook aant hacken en zeg jij dus dat hij niet hackt:D? kneus
nop ik heb nergens gezegt dat hij niet hackt, hoewel ik een niet zegt dat hij hackt. En wie is er de kneus? Jij speeld met braun ":D"
ja als ik etmerc avi zeg en hij pmd me ga ik niet zeggen dat ikk neit met hem speel :D retard
zou ik wel doen...
floksjeee take mee leenah !: )
arnt u busted of nexus?
aren't you busted like 12 million times?
No, i am busted 1 time, and the rest they 'tried' to bust me but failed :-)
too bad that 1 time is 1 time too much
Too bad i have a life and u don't hähä
hahaha best joke of the year
no im not a cheatah : D
Actually u never spook to me on vent, nor irl, and this is crossfire, we are nearly never mature, but still, i'm more mature on this site than u.
I was just kidding, look the last reply i did to him. But u guy's didnt notice that :)
You did, because how could u know my 'other' posts then?
If u can read 2, u can read more, and i'm not the one saying a guy is sexy, that's being gay and immature.
Look, i have nothing against u, but i was joking like i said for the 5thst time! Stop saying i do something when i know i don't, ;)

no thx to huNti
just gtfo
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