vesaz Looking

Hi /cf/ peeps i am back from the army and after being inactive a one year i am ready to start playing ET actively again!
At the moment i am probably low skilled and lost around 5on5's but after few weeks i think i can reach to med- or so on...

About Me

Age: 20

Skill: Low/+
Ex-clans: Some random 2 week only

Class: I Prefer Medic but i can also play as Engi/Fops

Available: Sun-Thu

Language: England & Finland

About you?

Active: Play cups, offis etc...
Cheaters: No thanks!
Mature: 18+
Voice: You know how to use comms

Pm here or qry me at irc, nick vesaz #:O)

Ps. if you need Anonymous Rtcw or Anonymous Cod 4 merc/player feel free to contact me also.
Good luck :)
I remember you mercing for Titanz, gl, nice guy :)
You've been around for quite a time now, aren't you?
I think I remember playing against you years ago, possible? :P

E: Ahh I see, #kih.:o)
Yeah, played around 4 years.
enraged elementals was fun :P
good luck :)
nice man, deserves a team with awesome guys!
Good luck Vesa! Try #sydamenasialla.
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