pb prob: o/s exception notice

Since this year (started 2 play last sunday again) I'm getting kicked because of O/S Exception notice on some servers. (fresh ET start -> every 3-4 min; with reconnecting -> every minute)

I've Vista sp2 with latest updates (I know that Vista sucks).
Punkbuster is up to date (pbsetup.exe).
I'm starting ET as admin (UAC is disabled).

The solution I found with the search function doesn't work because I already disabled the ehTray.exe 5 months ago.

pb_security 0 and pb_sleep 500 doesn't help.

Any solutions except playing with noPB cfgs or using another OS?
I guess moving to win7 won't make PB+ET better?

Happy new year, btw.
Try to update punkbuster... After that just restart pc...


Ps: Worked for me...
gl bei deinem problem care :PPP
Reboot and enjoi.
care <3
run as admin
convert it to service pack 2
You have to delete all ur pk3.files in ur etmain than it works, it means u have a virus, if u dlete that ur fine :)
I had this problem.Nothing worked for me, only install Service Pack 2.
I have Vista Service Pack 2 and NOt Win XP sp3.
That's not the prob.
Well, when i had this problem i had Windows XP SP1, so i don't know then...
O/S exception notice goes away by rebooting.

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