PB Guid Auth Unknown

Im getting kicked instantly from pb enabled servers for : Guid Auth Unkn

googled it, found some topics about CoD, where players said its authenticatin servers are down... and i have to wait till they are online...

any way to solve this wiithout waiting for everbalance?

i updated my pb
tried out reinstaling windows and ET? it could be some problem with memory allocation
delete etkey
start et
Why all this trouble reconnect few times does the trick too ;)
Just a thing you should have done once :P
then you can do the reconnect method
pc specs?
had the same thing
You use linux?
oh ur my hero worked for me aswell <3
did u try to reinstall ET? (removing registry and any related files)
keep the etkey and config nub ! ;D
stop trying to spoof you guid with etkey + notepad :x
n00b ;p

go check this, mayby will help you
Playing with linux?

PS normal error you just have to connect few times it solved itself.
well i have got same problem, i fix it by typing in console 3 commands (pb_sleep 20, pb_security 0, pb_sv_guidrelax 1)
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