logix.eV on the look

www.logixev.de is on the look for a german ET Team. We re not offering any financial support.
If you or your team is interested please mail to "ic3(at)logix-esports.de"
or pmme via crossfire, irc #logiX, icq or how ever...

c3nty ?!
evangelische gemeinde
So what would the benefit be for this german ET team lolz? they have to play under your tag but receive nothing, no financial support, no vent, no server... Seems pretty useless deal for them tbh ^^
i'm sure they offer the needed online support.
I guess you're right and I hope so because otherwise it's rather useless... So what he means is they aren't paying for any costs to go to lan...
nice clan, gl finding a decent team !
gl krosan.
check gvd de comment dan
I would, but we're just 2 germans and the rest is all over europe :3
Might get to o.Outlaw anyway...
gl finding a nice team c3nty :)
nice page :) gl
+page ^^
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